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greenschemes' Education Division conducts action-research projects to clarify the underlying cultural changes that are required to facilitate the transition to a sustainable and enriching future for individuals and the Planet itself.

The results of these inquries are available in a series of PDFs, available for download by clicking the name of the inquiry.


Many people experience the changes of the 21st Century as a Cultural Tsunami.  This paper examines the external situations that make the 21st Century vastly different than the 20th Century.  Then it proposes four foundational assumptions for creatively dealing with these changes.

The time has come, as presented here, to draw an imaginary line in the intellectual sand.  Either you say "We live in a created reality in which the task of each person is to fit in" or you say "We live in an emerging reality in which each person, plant and particle participates, actively or passively, in forging the shape of tomorrow",

An expansive and fresh way of looking at matters in the 21st Century is required.  This paper focuses on the External Realities, the Social Processes and the Interior Dimension as a wholistic approach to viewing contemporary events and issues.

New ways of telling the story of the human community and the Planet on which we live are required in the 21st Century.  The comparisson of the old story and a new one highlights the magnitude of the change.

Between 1971 and 1991, Elaine and Nelson Stover lived in several villages, many were in the third world.  In these villages, they worked with men and women and children to conduct comprehensive grassroots development projects.  Maliwada's Grandchildren highlights some of the learnings from these experiences.

Through Three Portals:  Helping Tomorrow Unfold

Nelson Stover has published this systematic to theology for the 21st Century -- an in-depth articulation of the profound experiences of the 21st Century.  It is designed to be meaningful to people of all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds; in short, a global document.

The 130-page paperback book can be ordered from Emerging Ecology.